Wednesday, 31 January 2018


Type of website :

  • Portal
  • Business
  • Blog
  • Wiki
  • Online Social Network
1) Portal 

*A web site that offers variety of internet services from single, convenient location.*Most portals offers these free services:-Search engine-News-Sports and weather-Web publishing-Reference tools such as yellow pages, maps, shopping, and e-mail and othercommunication services.

Have online communities.

*Online community a web site that joins a specific group of people with similar interests or relationships.*ExamplesKMPh portal e-learning, AltaVista, AOL, Excite,, iGoogle, Lycos, MSN and Yahoo!* A wireless portal – designed for Internet-enabled mobile devices.*A Web site (WAP based) that supports a user with a Smartphone or alphanumeric pager.

2) Blog
A short for Weblog
*An informal web site consisting of time-stamped articles, or posts in a diary or journal format, usually listed in reverse chronological order.
Types of blog:
*vlog (a blog that contains video clips)

* Microblog  (allows users to publish short messages usually 100 and 200 characters.)

* Blogger (blog author.)

*Vlogger (vlog author)
*Blogosphere (the world wide collection of blogs)
*Vlogosphere (all vlogs worldwide)

A collaborative web site that allows users to create, add to, modify, or delete the web site content via their web browser.

4) Online Social Network
*Encourages members in its online community to share their interests, ideas, stories, photos, music and videos with other registered users

*Contains content that promotes or sells products or services.


Type of internet service.:

  • World Wide Web (WWW)
  • e-mail
  • Instant messaging
  • Voice over internet protocol (VoIP)
  • Message board
  • File transfer protocol
1) World Wide Web (WWW)

The World Wide Web (WWW), or Web, consists of a worldwide collection of electronic
Each electronic document on the Web is called a Web page which can contain text,
graphics, animation, audio, and video.
Web pages usually have built-in connections to other documents.
Some web pages are static (fixed); others are dynamic (changing).
Visitors to a static web page see all  the same content.
Visitors to a dynamic web page, can customize some or all of the viewed content such as
desired stock quotes, weather for a region or ticket availability for flights.
A Web site is a collection of related Web pages and associated items, such as documents
and pictures, stored on a Web server.
Web server is a computer that delivers requested Web pages to your computer.
Web 2.0 refer to Web sites that provide a means for users to share personal information,
allow users to modify Web site content and have application software built into the site for
visitors to use.

Short for electronic mail
The transmission of messages and files via a computer network
  -Consist of simple text or can contain attachments, such as documents, graphics, or audio/video clips
    -Some Web sites — such as Google and Yahoo!—provide free e-mail services.
           -One of the original services on the Internet
         *An e-mail address is a unique name that consists of a user name and domain name that
i          identifies the user.

       3) Instant Messaging (IM) 
        *A real-time Internet communications service that notifies you when one or more people are online and allows you to exchange messages or files or join a private chat room with them.
Real time means that you and the people with whom you are conversing are online at the same time.
Some IM services support voice and video conversations.

4)Voice Over Internet Protocol (VoIP)
*Voice over Internet Protocol, a technology for making telephone calls over the Internet in
which speech sounds are converted into binary data.
VoIP is an acronym for Voice Over Internet Protocol, or in more common terms phone
service over the Internet.
Also called Internet Telephony.
To connect a calling party to one or more local or long distance called parties.

5) Message Board
Type of discussion group.
Many web sites use message boards because they are easier to use.
Also known as discussion group, discussion forum and online forum.
A general term for any online "bulletin board" where you can leave and expect to see
responses to messages you have left.
A popular Web-based type of discussion group that does not require a newsreader

6) File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
FTP is one method, users have to transfer webpages files from their local machine to the
An FTP server is a computer that allows users to upload and/or download file using FTP.
An FTP site is a collection of file including text, graphics, audio clips, video clips and
program files that reside on an FTP server.
Some FTP sites restrict file transfers to those who have authorized accounts on the FTP

Wednesday, 24 January 2018


Surfing the web
-The activity of using links to explore the web
A link
-Can be text or an image.
Text links
-May be underlined and/or displayed in a color different from other text on the page
-The color of the link will change once the link has been visited.

Tab Browser


What is address?

 web address

An internet address of a website, file, or document in the general format
Every computer connected to the internet has its unique web address, without which it cannot be reached by other computers.
Also called universal resource locator or Uniform Resource Locator (URL).

Web address consists of :

  • Protocol
  •  Domain name
  • Path
  • *  Web page name
http://         : protocol     : domain name
fizik/    : path

index.html                             : web page name

Transfer protocol
Hypertext Transfer Protocol
-A set of rules that defines how pages transfer on the Internet
Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure
-A protocol to provide an encrypted communication and secure identification of a network web
-Often used for payment transactions on www.
File Transfer Protocol
-The File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is a standard network protocol used to transfer computer
files from one host to another host over a TCP-based network, such as the Internet. 


The Worldwide Web

Web page
-Each electronic documents on the Web
-Can contain text, graphics, animation, audio and video.
Types of web pages
-Static (fixed) : A fixed Web page where visitors all see the same content
-Dynamic (changing) : A Web page that allows visitors to customize some of all the viewed contents

A web browser is a software program that allows a user to locate, access, and display web
 web browser
The purpose of a web browser is to bring information resources to the user.
With an Internet connection established, you start a Web browser.
The browser retrieves and displays a starting Web page.


A 'web search engine' is a software system that is designed to search for information on the World Wide Web.
A primary reason that people use the Web is to search for specific information, including text,
pictures, music and video.

The first step in successful searching is to identify the main idea or concept in the topic about which
you are seeking information.

Two types of search tools
1)Search engine(keyword search)
-Finds information related to a specific topic

2)Subject directory(directory search)
-Classifies Web pages in an organized set of categories

The search engine
—-Helpful in locating information for which you do not know an exact Web address or are not
seeking a particular Web site.
-A search engine is helpful in locating items such as:
audio,image,video and etr.

Wednesday, 17 January 2018


IP address is :
  • A number that uniquely identifies each computer or device connected to the Internet.
  • IP addresses are also referred to as IP numbers and Internet addresses.
  • IP address sometimes is called a dotted decimal number or dotted quad.
  • Unique
  • Global and Standardised
  • Essential
IP usage :
  • A way to find specific server or computer on the internet or a network
  • Provide identity to a computer in a network
  • Identify for a particular device/machine on a particular network
  • Allows transfers of files and e-mail
IP Structure
  • IP addresses usually consists of four groups of number each separated by a period.
  • The number in each group is between 0 and 255.
  • It is 32 bit long ,each group is 8 bits long
  • Commonly written in decimal.
  • Written, for example,
    IP Address


A company that provides Internet connections and services to individuals and organizations.

Access Provider
A business that provides individuals and organizations access to the Internet for free or for a fee

Responsibilities of an ISP
·         Providing and maintaining a connection to the Internet
·         Support the hardware and software needed to service that connection
·         To protect their site and network from external threats such as viruses, hacker attacks and other illegal activities

·         Provide 24-hour customer service and technical support

Example ISP in Malaysia



Two types of internet :

  1. Dial-up connection
  2. Broadband Internet Connection/ Direct connection
Dial Up connection :
  1. Conventional Dial Up
  2. ISDN( Integrated Service Digital Network
Conventional Dial Up 

to connect to the Internet, your computer dials its modem and connects to a modem attached to a computer belonging to your ISP.)
vPC has to dial via a phone line to connect
vCharacteristics of Conventional dial-u
* Slower, but cheape
* Ties up phone lines
 Relatively secure from hackers
* Example :- Jaring, TMNet

ISDN( Integrated Service Digital Network

·     also transfer data over ordinary telephone lines
·         Typically uses two phone lines to transfer data
·         ISDN requires a special ISDN modem
Characteristics of ISDN:
-    Faster, but price
  -   Doesn’t tie up phone line
- Used by businesses and individual

Digital Subscriber Line, DSL
·         Broadband delivered over telephone lines
·         Must be less than 3 miles from a switching station
·         Transmits over telephone lines but does not tie up the line
·         Fast, direct Internet access via standard telephone line
·         ADSL is one of the more popular types of DSLs

Cable Internet Service/ Cable Modem
·         Cable modem: Most widely used home broadband connection
·         Provides high-speed Internet access through    the cable television network via a cable modem.

Fixed wireless
·         Uses radio transmission towers rather than satellites
·         Not available in all areas
·         Expected to use WiMAX
·         Provides high-speed Internet connections using a dish-shaped antenna to communicate via radio signals.

Wi-Fi ( Wireless Fidelity)
·         Data is transmitted through radio waves
·         Public wireless networks
·         Both free and fee-based are available
Currently Wi-Fi for short range, but WiMAX may

Wi-Fi Hotspot
WiFi hotspots are places that provide a user with free or paid Internet services.

Satellite Internet service
·         Broadband option for rural areas
·         More expensive than cable or DSL
·         Available in many areas other broadband options are not
·         Provides high-speed Internet connections via satellite
·         A satellite dish communicates

Fiber to the Premises (FTTP)
·         Also known as Broadband over Fiber (BoF)
·         Delivers over fiber-optic cabling all the way to the building
·         Available in limited areas
·         Fast but expensive
·         Uses fiber-optic cable
·         Provide high-speed Internet

Cellular Radio Network
*      Also known as Mobile wireless
*      Access via mobile phone or device
*      Offers high-speed Internet connections to devices with built-in compatible technology or computers with wireless modems.

*      Example provider:- Celcom, Maxis, DiGi