Wednesday, 3 January 2018


The configuration of computers, devices and media on a network.


  • A simple, inexpensive network that typically connects fewer  than 10 computers.
  • Each computer, called a peer, has equal responsibilities and capabilities.
  • Sharing hardware (such as a printer), data or information with other computers on the peer-to-peer network.
  • Each computer stores files on its own storage devices. Thus, each computer on the network contains both the server operating system and application software.
  • All computers on the network share any peripheral device(s) attached to any computer.
  • Peer-to-peer networks are ideal for very small businesses and home users.
  • Some operating systems, such as Windows, include a peer to-peer networking utility that allows users to set up a peer-to-peer network.
  • Peers are both suppliers and consumers of resources.
  • Each node is a computer on the network which acts and communicates with other Peers to make a portion of their resources, such as processing power, disk storage or network bandwidth.
  • Directly available to other network participants, without the need for central coordination by servers or stable hosts.


One or more computers act as a server, and the other computers on the network request services from the server.
Server, sometimes called a host computer, controls access to the hardware, software, and other resources on the network and provides a centralized storage area for programs, data and information.
The clients are other computers and mobile devices on the network that rely on the server for its resources.
For example, a server might store a database of customers. Clients on the network (company employees) access the customer database on the server.
             CLIENT SERVER                  
              PEER TO PEER NETWORK
            One or more computers act as a server, and the other computers on the network request services from the server.

           Each computer, called a peer, has equal responsibilities          and    capabilities, sharing hardware (such as a printer), data, or information with other computers on the peer-to-peer network.

           Needs a specific operating system such as Windows Server 2008.

            Does not need a specific operating system.

                       Needs training

             Does not need training

           Needs a specific operating system

             Does not need a specific operating system.

             SET UP    
              More difficult to set up
                Easy to set up
            More expensive to install 
              Less expensive to install
             Big corporations or organizations with high security data

            Small businesses and home users

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